Great Britain Diving Federation Constitution
1. Name
1.1 The “organisation” shall henceforth be known as the Great Britain Diving
hereafter referred to as “the Federation”.
2. Objective
2.1 The Federation will promote the interests of the sport of diving and everything
conducive or incidental to the attainment of this objective.
3. Membership
3.1 The Federation may be affiliated to any diving/swimming association as decided by the Board of Directors.
3.2 Membership of the Federation shall be open to all. The Federation shall not
discriminate unfairly, or unlawfully. Membership is with the approval of the Board of Directors but can refuse membership if in its considered opinion, the election of an applicant would be against the interests of the federation or its general membership.
3.3 Individuals applying for membership shall apply to the Administration Director of the appropriate form and may comprise the following types of membership:
Members of diving clubs
Diving members of a swimming club
Members affiliated to diving bodies
Individuals, not being of any of the categories above, involved in the
sport of diving.
3.4 Membership fees will commence on the 1st January and end on the 31st December.
3.5 Current members who fail to renew their membership fees within 2 calendar months of the due date will be deemed to have lapsed their membership of the Federation ( members will be notified of their renewal of membership by the Administration Director).
3.6 The membership fees will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and shall be agreed at the AGM by the membership for the following year.
3.7 Anyone applying for membership to the Federation after the 30th June shall pay 75% of the current membership fee.
3.8 All members over the age of 16 years shall have the right to vote at AGMs and SGMs or any postal votes.
3.9 All members will abide by the constitution of the Federation and all Fina and Len rules and conditions.
3.10 The Administration Director shall provide a report of the number and categories of members registered with the Federation for the current year to the first Board meeting to be held after the 1st March and also at the AGM.
4. Board of Directors
4.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:
Title Responsibility
Chief Executive Management and co-ordination of the Directors of the Federation.
Administration All administration, as directed by the
Chief Executive and the members of the Board.
Finance Control of all finances of the Federation as directed by Board.
Masters Organising and running of Masters competitions and training events.
Communications Responsible for the Federation website and communications as required.
Junior Novices Novice competitions and training events.
Divers Representative Represent the options of the divers to the
Directors without Portfolio Duties as and when require by the Board.
4.2 The Board shall meet or hold a telephone conference call when circumstances require.
4.3 All members of the Board must be over the age of 18 years when elected, with the exception of the Divers Representative.
4.4 The Board shall be elected at the AGM, after the membership has been given the opportunity to propose names for election, not less than six weeks before the date of the AGM. Nominees proposed by members must have given their permission for their name to be proposed as a Director.
4.5 In addition to the members of the Board that are elected, the Board may co-opt up to a further four members for special duties that may serve until the next AGM.
These members shall not have the right to vote on the Board and will not be counted as part of the quorum required for a Board meeting.
4.6 Meetings may not be held with less than four (4) elected members of the Board in attendance, not including the co-opted members to the Board and the President.
4.7 The President, or the Chief Executive Director shall chair the Board meetings. Decisions of the Board shall be by simple majority. The chair shall have the casting vote in the case of equality of votes.
5. Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors
5.1 To develop and promote the sport of diving and all associated areas concerned with the sport.
5.2 Be responsible to the membership for the conduct of business.
5.3 The individual members of the Board shall be responsible for the daily running of their area of responsibility, subject to the overriding authority of the Chief Executive Director and the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting that may elect to vote against a decision made by the Board.
5.4 All Directors with a specific responsibility will document their activities for presentation at Board meetings and at the AGM. Reports must be sent to the Administration Director, 30 days before a Board Meeting or AGM.
5.5 Each Director shall have a responsibility to produce plans for the development and promotion of the Federation. Directors shall take such steps as necessary and prudent to give effect to such plans.
5.6 The Board may at anytime, request a non Board member to do specific task for the Federation. If the task involves financial transactions, then the requested member must produce a report or spreadsheet of all transactions incurred during the task.
5.7 Any member, who knowingly ignores a request from the Board, or member, to keep a matter confidential, may be considered to have failed to adhere to the Code of Ethics of the sport of diving.
6. Annual General Meeting
6.1 Annual General Meeting of the Federation shall be held within 4 months of the ending of the financial year and shall transact the following business:
· Approval of the minutes of the last AGM
· Adoption of the Annual Reports from each Director
· Election of the President
· Election of the Board of Directors
· Consideration of any Motions, due notice of which have been given.
6.2 Preliminary notice of the AGM, listing all offices requiring nominations shall be given at least six weeks before the date of the AGM.
6.3 Nominations for these offices and motions for inclusion on the agenda must be received by the Administration Director not less than 30 days prior to the date of the AGM in writing.
6.4 Copies of all Directors, including the financial reports for the year, motions for discussion and the names put forward for election as President and Directors and postal voting forms, shall be sent to all members eligible to vote, at least 21 days prior to the AGM.
6.5 The quorum for an AGM, shall be 10 members of voting age.
6.6 Voting at the AGM shall be by a show of hands and postal votes previously received. The presiding member shall have the discretion to call for a ballot if appropriate.
6.7 The President shall chair the AGM, or if the President is not attending, a vote by the members attending may select the chair
6.8 Decisions of the AGM shall be by simple majority of those present and entitled to vote, plus postal votes received by the Administration Director at least five (5) days before the AGM.
6.9 Members entitled to vote at the AGM, but unable to attend may submit a postal vote. Such votes must be submitted on an official form, approved for the purpose. Postal votes may only be counted if received at least five (5) days before the AGM and has been submitted by a current member (membership paid on the 1st January of the current year). Postal votes conforming to the above will be included in the voting at the AGM. No details of postal votes shall be given to any member before voting is completed at the AGM.
6.10 The AGM shall not make formal decisions on matters that are not included on the agenda. If a proposal is put forward, then two thirds of those in attendance and eligible to vote must vote in favour of discussing the proposal for the proposal to be discussed. The members at the AGM may not vote for the proposal to take effect at the AGM, but may
vote for the proposal to be voted on at a SGM or postal vote.
6.11 The AGM shall elect from the nominations received and accepted by the nominee, the President and Directors of the Board.
7. Special General Meeting
7.1 A Special General Meeting may be called if a written application from either of the following is received by the Chief Executive or Administrative Director:
· Two thirds of the present Board of Directors
· One quarter of the voting members of the Federation (current members)
· If the membership at an AGM resolves, under clause 6.10, to refer an issue to an SGM
Included in this written application, shall be a full statement of the reason for the SGM.
7.2 At least 14 days notice of such a meeting shall be given to the Directors and members entitled to attend.
7.3 If the Board of Directors fail to proceed to convene a SGM within four (4) weeks of the request by the above to groups (7.1), then said members may convene the meeting after informing the Board of their intentions. Any meeting convened in this manner must be held within three (3) months of the date of requesting a SGM.
7.4 No other business may be discussed at such a meeting except for the reason stated.
7.5 A quorum for the SGM shall be ten (10) members of the Federation eligible to vote, but must consist of a minimum 75% of the signatories requesting the SGM.
7.6 Voting at the SGM shall be by a show of hands. The President or chair of the meeting may call for a ballot if appropriate.
8. Alterations to the Constitution and other Resolutions
8.1 Resolutions at the AGM or SGM may alter the constitution provided that a simple majority of the members present, eligible to vote and postal votes carry the resolution.
9. Financial
9.1 The financial year shall end on the 31st December. An audited statement of the accounts of the Federation up to and including this date shall be presented at the AGM.
9.2 The funds of the Federation shall be lodged at a bank or building society or any other method of investment approved by the Board. All cheques and drafts etc, drawn from a Federation account shall be signed by at least two (2) members of the Board.
9.3 All funds belonging to the Federation shall be under the control of the Board in the name of the Federation, to use as they see fit to the furtherance of the Federation and the sport of diving, up to a limit of £1000 without the approval of the AGM or SGM. Whether within the United Kingdom or overseas. Funds that are given for a specific purpose may only be used for the purpose specified, unless voted otherwise by the AGM or SGM.
9.4 In the event of the Federation ceasing exist, the Board of Directors in consultation with the Association, the Federation is registered with, shall decide how to dispose of the assets of the Federation in the furtherance of its objectives within the sport of diving.
10. Execution of Documents
10.1 Two Directors of the Federation shall sign any documents, deeds or contracts entered into by the Federation with prior agreement of the Board.
10.2 The Federation shall indemnify the members of the Board against any claim made against them on behalf of the Federation, unless the Board or individual shall be guilty of fraud, gross negligence or gross misconduct.
11. Health and Safety
11.1 The Federation recognises that the Health and Safety of all members must be a primary objective and will take all reasonable steps to ensure the well being of its members as far as reasonably practicable.
11.2 The Federation shall comply with such Health and Safety legislation that is applicable and in force from time to time.
12. Child Protection
12.1 The Federation shall comply with such Child Protection legislation and recommendations that are in force at the time.
13. Conduct of Federation Members
13.1 The Board of Directors may suspend an individual member/s if two (2) thirds of the Board are in agreement that the member/s failed to adhere to the accepted Code of Ethics of the sport of diving and Federations recognised by the Federation. Or for failing to perform specific duties or for conduct considered to be detrimental to the interests of the Federation or the sport of diving.
13.2 Any member suspended, has the right to a hearing by a Disciplinary Committee, which shall consist of the President (chair) and two selected members of the Federation or outside persons suitable to sit on the committee. These must not be members of the Board or connected to the member for whom the hearing is being held. The selection of the two members of the committee shall be by the “chair”. The Disciplinary Committee will have the right to uphold the suspension or dismiss the suspension and pass recommendations to the Board for further consideration. The member/s may have in attendance a colleague or friend during the meeting, a member of the Board must attend to explain the reason for the suspension by the Board.
13.3 If the Board expels or suspends a member, the members shall have the right to appeal to the next AGM, but will remain suspended until a ballot has been held at the AGM. The Administration Director must receive an appeal to either the Disciplinary Committee or the AGM within twenty eight (28) days of notice of suspension from the Board.
13.4 Any member of the Board of Directors that is found to have failed to adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Federation and/or any other recognised bodies or has failed to perform their duties as a Director or conducted themselves in such a manner as to be detrimental to the interests of the Federation or the sport of diving may be suspended by the Board of Directors if two thirds of the Board are in agreement or in exceptional cases the President may suspend the member.
13.5 The Director suspended (13.4) has equal rights, as other members to appeal. see(13.2/13.3)
13.6 The Chief Executive or President has the right to replace a Director of their choice until the next AGM.
14. Internet
14.1 The Federation website is for the promotion of the sport of diving, and is for the use of all members and the public. The Federation take no responsibility for any input from members or the public to the website. The Board have the right to remove any input that they consider inappropriate, with the agreement of the President from the site and request the sender if a member to refrain from any further input of a similar nature. Failure to do so by a member may incur disciplinary action.